Hi, everyone! So, the situation is this: On Tuesday at work, I (25F) got to work at 1 PM, and my coworker was already on lunch. She (Lily) (21F) gets back sometime before 2 PM. Long story short, before she gets off work at 4, she literally was not able to help me with anything because a Team Lead (Ray) (35M) comes over and is talking to her and generally distracting her.
Now, my coworker self admittedly knows that she talks to much at work and its well known. She and everyone else says,”If someone is talking to her, she will talk all day”
So, I’m annoyed that I didn’t get any help before she left. The next day I tell MY teamlead (30+F) :
“Hey, someone really needs to talk to Ray (Fake Name) about not coming to different departments and distracting people because Lily (Fake Name) wasn’t able to help me at all from the time she got back from lunch until she left at 4 PM because he was over around here generally just distracting her.”
My teamlead pretty much says, yes Ray is wrong but Lily is a grown woman who should know by now not to let herself get distracted like that.
So, my teamlead ends up talking to Lily, pretty much getting onto her, even though I had asked her specifcally not to mention it to Lily since my problem wasn’t with her. I figure this out because now Lily has blocked me everywhere and ignored me that day at work.
I asked my teamlead about it and she pretty much says that she got onto Lily because what I told her wasn’t anywhere near the first time she’d heard that Lily “talks too much instead of working” and they she had already spoken to Lily about that several times.
So, am I the a$$hle for talking to my teamlead about it in the first place? I feel like I could be, since Lily did get into trouble even though I didn’t mean for her to. I feel pretty bad, and I’m also not sure if I should even say anything to Lily or if I should leave it alone unless she comes to me.
First, I did not need Lilys help with “my job”. The work we had, as in the pallet, was both of our jobs. Lily knew this, so she knew she was supposed to be working on the frieght the same as me. So I guess me putting I needed her help was correct but also confusing for some.
And I see many people think I should’ve spoken to Ray and Lily myself, and I don’t disagree. Unfortunately I didn’t do so because at my store (Walmart) the management is very “youre just an associate you don’t tell me what to do in any fashion” and since Lily was speaking to Ray, a manager and not a regular associate, I knew that’s what his reply would’ve been to me- as I’ve seen it too many times. If it had been another regular associate ofc I’d have said something at the time.
That’s why I took it to my team lead because I felt that since my issue was with a team lead (Ray) I felt as though she would be able to have a discussion with him about it.